MassMutual - Baby Skates (2022) :30 (USA)

Carter's father Steven Stamkos cheers him on at the hockey rink while serving some disdain at the father with a baby in a baby pouch, Victor Hedman. "So, you haven't got him on skates yet?" Steven Stamkos asks.

..."Well, he's only six months old" Victor Hedman explains the obvious. Steven Stamkos then hands out some advice, after the wee Carter body-slams an adult three times his age into the plastic wall, that this Victor should probably save for his kids college.


Sorry, that body slam was hilarious. More ads like this plz. If you're going to use celebrities and sports celebrities, at least make the gag funny enough for the uninitiated to understand. Like this one!

Ad Agency: Grey New York
Client: Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance and NHL

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