M&C Saatchi promotes WAGS Boutique

M&C Saatchi, London sent us some recent work they did to promote WAGS Boutique on ITV2. The reality show pits two teams made up of footballer's wives and girlfriends (WAGS) against each other to create the best boutique. The pink Chihuahua Urinals and Fake Tan Sachets made me laugh. It's obvious the folks at M&C had fun with this project.

Brief: Fashion, frolics and fall outs as WAGs compete to run successful fashion boutiques
Launch date: 23rd January 2007
Agency: M&C Saatchi, London
Copywriter: Jonas Wittenmark, Tobias Carlson
Art Director: Jonas Wittenmark, Tobias Carlson
Planner: Richard Storey
What media/region?: Press, Ambient, Online, TV, Radio
Media agency: Mindshare
Director/photographer/illustrator: Tim Bret Day (Press)
Post production company: 3headed Bear Group

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