Mecca Bingo "Dancing Cactus" (2014) :30 (UK)

There’s something to be said for weird. This ad by Mecca Bingo delves down deep into the bedrock of bizarre, survives a tectonic shift of strange, and comes up triumphant like an undernourished miner of unexpected. In other news, miner puns are now banned. (Major puns, still permitted).

What I really love is that at some point a creative person was thinking out loud and went ‘Cactus... cactus... cactASS! I’ve fucking got it! How about a twerking cactASS?’ And lo and behold, this piece of advertising found its way to the UK. I’m taking a guess that the idea was sold to the client in the middle of ‘twerking mania’ when Miley Cyrus was shaking her booty all up in our faces.

It’s memorable and interesting, unlike other bingo ads. The key message of ‘Spend £10 and play with £50’ is delivered through the use of a startling visual metaphor, the viewers inexorably asked to juxtapose their own lives to cactASS, me cactASS, dancing cactASS. Ahem. Sorry.

More weird please.

Agency: Isobel
Creative Director: Rob Fletcher / David Alexander

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So I'm not the only one who has noticed the cactASS inflection, along with the cactus having a big bum. I was beginning to wonder..