Mentos Cube - More Sides. More Fun (2009) Print (Brasil)

Mentos Cube

Description from the creative team: Mentos Cube is a surprising gum shaped as a cube. The ad created by NeogamaBBH shows what happens inside one of THESE cubes: it’s a surprising world where a different scene takes place at each one of the sides. All scenes are fun, fresh and cool just like the product itself. The copy explains the idea: “Mentos Cube. More sides, more fun.”

Client/Product: Mentos
Advertising Agency (Name, City, Country): Neogama/BBH, São Paulo, Brazil
Agency website:
Executive Creative Director: Alexandre Gama
Creative Directors: Márcio Ribas, Wilson Mateos
Art Director: Daniel Leitão
Copywriter: Silvio Amorim
Illustrator: Platinum

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