Mercedes-Benz - Fable - (2015) :60 (USA)

Well well, if it isn't the old tortoise and the hare story. This one however doesn't teach me the value of "slow and steady" but rather that the new Mercedes-Benz target market are the kind of people who yelp "plot twist!" and hope to get a bunny-baby riding by their side in the car.

You used to be classy, Mercedes-Benz.

Advertising Agency: Merkley + Partners, USA
Executive Creative Director: Andy Hirsch
Group Creative Director / Copywriter: Chris Landi
Associate Creative Director / Art Director: Kirk Mosel
Director, Broadcast Production: Gary Grossman
Senior Producer: Alex Kobak
Production Company: RSA
Director: Robert Stromberg
Director of Photography: Paul Cameron
Executive Producer: Tracie Norfleet
Line Producer: Alejandra Quesada
Production Designer: Jan Roelfs
Editorial: Cut & Run/ NY
Editor: Steve Gandolfi
Assistant Editor: Stacy Peterson
Producer: Ellese Jobin
Executive Producer: Raná Martin
Post Production/Animation/VFX: MPC / NY
Creative Director, VFX: Alex Lovejoy
3D VFX: Supervisor: Chris Bernier
Lead Animator: Graeme Revell
Managing Director: Justin Burkman
Executive Producer: Camila De Biaggi
Producer: Vic Lovejoy
Music: Woodwork Music
Sound Design: Bill Chesley / Henry Boy
Mix: Philip Loeb / Heard City
Grade: MPC NY
Colorist: James Tillett

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