Midol - Comfort is Power (2022) 1:34 (USA)

A woman at a nightclub discovers she has her period. A waitress carries plates and breaks the fourth wall by telling the camera "we're pretty freaking resilient".

"Every single month, without fail, we go on this rollercoaster" - women from all walks of life and in all sorts of situations tell about PMS and how we grin and bear it. It ends by saying that taking a break and taking the day off is powerful.

Well, yeah, I can agree with that but when I turn to Midol it's usually me saying to myself or my daughter "don't be a hero", it's okay to use some pain relief that also helps with the bloat and the tiredness. We're northerners, see, and have this odd thing about trying to take as few medications as possible in life as if it's some sort of high score to break. Literally had her without any pain relief at all, to put things into perspective.

But sometimes man, sometimes you really should just take a Midol, a break, and a big glass of water. Because after twenty minutes it'll all feel better and you can get on with it. Whatever it is. 

Title:    Comfort is Power
Brand:    Midol

Entrant Company:    MullenLowe New York
Agency:    MullenLowe New York
Production Company:    Pulse Films
Editing Company:    Marcello Saurino
Sound Company:    Guido Smider
Creative Director:    Executive Creative Director: Ricard Valero

Director: Marco Gentile
Creative Director: Adrien Bindi
ACDs, Writer: Tara Nelson
Head of Design: João Paz
Designer: Isobel Connelly
Head of Strategy: Jonny Gadd
Group Strategy Director: Andrea Schulz
Managing Director: Rebekah Pagis
Group Account Director: Suzanne Barbosa
Account Directors: Jennifer Cross
Account Executive: Caitlin Fryer
Account Executive: Amber Calhoune
Production Agency: Oliver
Executive Producer: Ali Watson
President: Davud Karbassioun
Executive Producer: Nick Fuller
DP: Dustin Lane
Head of Production: Clark Farrell
Producer: Sparky Pomeroy
Production Service Company: Oriental Films

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