Migdal / Car insurance - Birthday (2014) :30 (Israel)

The time has come, she's about to give birth. You have to get to the hospital without her water breaking in the new car. This silly scene is just to remind you that having car insurance helps ease your life a little, so you don't have to be such a prick in these situations.

Advertised brand: Migdal Insurance and Financial Holdings Ltd.
Advert title(s): Migdal - Car Insurance
Advertising Agency: Bruckner Yaar Levi, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Agency website: http://bnyadv.co.il/
Art Director: Tal Keisari
Copywriter: Dror Lavi
‏Account Supervisor: Yarden Enosh
‏Account Executive: Lee Duek

Planning: Aviv Shener

‏Head of Strategic Planning: Asaf sides

‏Media Director: Carmit Dori, Linda Yachbas

‏Office Producer: Sivan Leshed, Tali Sasson
Additional credits:

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