Mini countryman - FLOW - (2010) :60

BSUR Amsterdam and Smuggler get together to create and updated mini car chase through italian streets. Shot in downtown Milan and Lake Como, Italy the "Flow" ad shows the mini becoming many minis, as it splits up and merges back together again in a metaphor of driving being an adventure and you can choose any path you want. Or it's just a depiction of actual Milan traffic. I'm going with the latter. The ad might be created in the Netherlands, but it will run internationally and of course, there's a Swede in the picture: Swedish director Robert Jitzmark shot it. Vikings never stopped conquering the world, you know.

Client: BMW - MINI
Agency: BSUR Amsterdam
Production Company: Smuggler
Director: Brian Beletic

Joost Perik (Executive Creative Director)
Paulo Martins (Creative Director)
Jason Schragger (Creative Director)
Rolando Cordova (Creatives)
Ben Tucker (Creatives)
Gian Carlo (Creatives)
Rob Phillips (Creatives)
Corey Bartha (Agency Producer)
Rumor Mill (Music + Sound Production)
Mia Drexl-Schegg (Account manager)
Thijs van (Account manager)
Planning Supervisor - Stein Janssen

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AnonymousCoward's picture

Very nice ad!
Would be good to know who's actor driving the car, none mentioned on credits.