A most uncreative Apple advert called "Creativity goes on" (2020) USA)

Apple shows us its products used in quarantine and the ad is as predictable as can be. It's all small screen zoom footage, people staring at laptops, little girls drawing on expensive iPads, and naturally, celebrities. Celebrities talking about COVID, reading children's books, etc. It's all so very formulaic at this point, Apple can't do an ad without a celebrity next to their laptop, so even with found footage grabbed from social media, they stick to it. Paint by numbers. And this is about creativity! Where the ad itself looks exactly like so many other ads do today, as pretty much every brand at this point has launched a zoom-meeting and found footage ad. 

Can you imagine the number of talented people sitting at home they could have phoned up and employed, instead of doing this? Animators who could have illustrated anything your heart dreams of, instead of yet another blurry periscope video edited into an ad. Typographers with the skills to make a kinetic type ad look amazing. Designers who could have made a word-driven ad stand out from the rest. 

With every brand, their uncle and their little dog too, doing the exact same looking ads right now using a mix of found footage of people in zoom meetings and in isolation on their city balconies, Apple just celebrated creativity by doing exactly what everyone else did. And there are thousands of Apple users out there right now who are unemployed due to this virus situation, that Apple should have brought in to this celebration of creativity. After all, Apple's userbase is the creative class. Not adorable little girls doing ballet in front of iPads. This may be the worst Apple ad I have ever seen. Remember, I liked "lemmings", but I don't like Apple acting like the blindfolded whistling guys in that ad. 

Ad agency: Media Arts Lab, Los Angeles

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