Nascar NBC - America Start Your Engines / Nick Offerman (2015) extended

Here's the extended version of the NBC Nascar sing-along featuring Nick Offerman and his sardonic sense of humor. Backed up by leggy ladies with pipes that can make anything sound groovy, he raps along about how Nascar is for everyone and on NBC. He cracks a joke at the opening which is sure to set twitter on fire - "when our idea of danger is eating gluten, there's trouble afoot" - he sneers, mocking all the non-celiac disease people who have made "Gluten-free" as popular as "sugar free". Of course, this means that everyone who actually has celiac disease will be offended by this joke, instead of being offended by the food-hypochondriacs who don't even known that gluten is a combination of two proteins found in wheat endosperm, yet insist they can't eat it. I'm sure the hashtags #Gluten #Celiac and #humorlesstwat are trending right now. Ok, maybe not the latter but oh lookie, there's a petition to get the ad pulled!

A shorter edit of his ad will run pre-game on Sunday.

Client: NBC

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