NCAA - Think of Us / Marching band (2013) :30 (USA)

Think of the NCAA as a marching band. No wait, don't think of them as a marching band. Think of them as a cheering squad.

How about we just think of the NCAA as something that makes students uncomfortable. Because all I see in this spot are uncomfortable students.

Client: National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)

Agency: Leo Burnett Detroit
Executive Creative Director: Steve Chavez
Creative Director/Art Director: Bob Veasey
Creative Director/Writer: Glen Hilzinger
Executive Producer: Erik Zaar

Production Company: Recommended Media
Director: Chris Woods
Executive Producer: Phillip Detchmendy
Founder CEO: Stephen Dickstein
Editorial: Tom Scherma. Cosmo Street
Visual Effects: Company 3 New York
Sound Design: Elias

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