NetZero's AOL bashing ad spoof

Slate, after already criticising AOL's lame "You got it" ads, goes on to praise NetZero's parodies of AOL's ads.

"In the last 'Ad Report Card,' I chided AOL for its lame new campaign (and lamer business model). I said AOL was screwed because other dial-up providers, such as NetZero, offer a near-identical service for much less money. Apparently, NetZero's not at all afraid to kick a brand when it's down."

The ads are in the archive: AOLs "Kimberly" (Mom)
, NetZeros Mom
. AOL's "All of them"
, Netzero's "All of them"

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caffeinegoddess's picture

Funny. I like NetZero's cajones- and it's a better bashing than the whole Miller/Bud thing.

Dabitch's picture

The casting is great, people think it's the same people. ;)