DDB Chicago have created two fun new ads for Office Max's ImPress Print Document Service with the help of directory Bryan Buckley and Editor John Dingfield of Cutters.
Bryan Buckley supplied us with about seven hours of footage, and there was a ton of great stuff - almost too much," Dingfield recalls. "The overall creative on the spots is really great, but what I love are the little details. In 'Boyfriend,' for example, there's the chalice on the table, the fact that the guy's name is Cleveland. 'Jury' has great little details, too, in the art direction and performances. But my favorite thing about that spot is the beat when they're all looking at the posters, just sitting there, before the first juror speaks up. I like being able to linger on that moment."
There is also a related site with games to play at Office Max Arcade, which I'm sure follows the popularity of the holiday game sites they had created.