No one says it but everyone does it: "Uber Eats, ça arrive."

*"Ça arrive": in French, there's a double meaning here. Both "It's coming" and also "It happens".

With Uber Eats, consumers can have everything they need delivered to them on a daily basis… favorite food, shopping and much more. It’s a convenient service, but one that can leave the French feeling guilty when they use it. This entire campaign centers around people making excuses for using Uber eats. The dog did it, it was their ex-boyfriend, and the best one is the son "cooking" for his mom. 


A humorous register to ease the guilt of these (excessively) tormented consumers: there’s no need to blame the dog, to pretend you’ve got your stuff back from an ex or to invent some kind of culinary talent… “Ça arrive” to (almost) everyone to place an Uber Eats order… And there’s no need to make a big deal of it.

A 360° campaign that will start with the release of TV films, TV billboards and short YouTube formats on 5 June will be followed by a wave of OOH and DOOH displays on 27 June, supported by a Social Media component.


Now the double meaning of "Ça arrive" makes sense. "It happens" - so don't feel bad about it. 

Ad agency: BUZZMAN

President and Executive Creative Director Georges Mohammed-Chérif
Vice – President Thomas Granger
Managing Director Julien Levilain
Creative Directors Julien Doucet & Lilian Moine
Art Directors Margaux Hontang, Melvin Berréhouc, Thibault Picot & Yvonnick Le Bruchec
Copywriters Margaux Hontang, Melvin Berréhouc, Thibault Picot & Yvonnick Le Bruchec
Strategic Planner Aline Bouchez
Head of Account Sofiane Ouaddah
Account Manager Barbara Georget
Account Executive Florence Cudian
Assistant Account Executive Ophélie Tabarin
Head of PR & Communication Amélie Juillet
PR & Communication Manager Paul Renaudineau
PR & Communication Assistants Margaux Zaniol & Tifanny Boutih
Head of TV Production Vanessa Barbel
TV Producer Saveria Besset

Production Caviar
Director Cloé Bailly
Producer Céline Roubaud
Head of Producer Charlène Richardeau
Post production Everest
Head of Post production Renaud Coulon
Sound Production Schmooze
DOP Lucas Casanovas

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