NSPCC - How u feelin'? - (2010) :30 (UK)

Saatchi & Saatchi UK and The NSPCC collaborated with Paul Hartnoll, from Orbital, to create a rather different ad for their latest campaign. The soundtrack is composed from kids answering the question "how U feelin?", and true to Orb form sounds modern & danceinfluenced. The commercial is supported by an online app on the NSPCC Childline website weher kids can mix a new version of the soundtrack themselves.

"With this ad we wanted to grab young people's attention and show them that ChildLine can help them express how they are feeling," said Paul Silburn, creative partner at Saatchi & Saatchi London. "The remix online application gives them the space to do this in a creative and interactive way."

Ad agency: Saatchi & Saatchi
Sound: Paul Hartnoll

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