Oatly - It's like milk for humans / “Wow No Cow” (2021) (USA)

"It's like milk, but for huuuuuuu-mans" the CEO of Oatly sings. The song name is “Wow No Cow” and this was first aired in Sweden in 2014. The milk board in Sweden promptly sued Oatly for calling it "Milk", and won, so this ad can't be aired in Sweden any more. A very inexpensive ad shot in a field a nice summer day in Sweden, where the Oatly CEO both wrote and sang his own jingle, it's likely the lowest budget super bowl ad this year. And it's recycled, to boot! 

Principal talent: CEO Toni Petersson
CCO: John Schoolcraft

Directed by: Torbjörn Martin

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

What the hell is this?

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

This was just weird and not in a good way.

Sport's picture

I hated this the first time adland reported on it. It did not get better with age.

Persson's picture

Oatly Department of Mind Control strikes again! Heja Sverige!