Oddbins - What The Fox - (2015) 2:10 (UK)

Earlier today I read that the John Lewis Christmas 2015 ad took three weeks to shoot and had a budget of 1 million pounds ($1.5M). This looks like it was shot in a single afternoon, with a budget of roughly whatever everyone was willing to pitch in.

But Christ, at least it feels real, tangible, something that exists in the actual world we live in. While not a over-polished gem made by the numbers, it's also not emotional guerrilla warfare.

Oddbins explains:

The video is a take on the classic ‘The Snowman’ and sees a stuffed fox come to life and teach a modern day Scrooge the true meaning of Christmas. It has been released to coincide with 46 foxes which will be appearing in the windows of Oddbins stores during the Christmas 2015 period.

Personally I like to believe it's about a functioning alcoholic who blacks out in a wine wholesaler. But that's the beautiful thing about advertising - we all get to have interpretations and opinions. No doubt this online video will be making more than a few people say 'What the fox'. It's great to see smaller British companies making silly content without entirely foxing it up. But, of course, we've always supported the underfox here.

Production Company: Spectrecom Films - http://www.spectrecom.co.uk/
Producer: Laura Merrett
Director: Mark Jackson
Camera Operator: Kieran Hodges
Gaffer: Laurentiu Maria
Creative: Danielle Wilmot
Editor: Mark Jackson

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>functioning alcoholic who blacks out in a wine wholesaler
LOL that's what I read into that too.