Ogilvy Malaysia takes the ol' "Amnesty" transparent poster idea one step further

Remember the Amnesty posters that depicted torture in far off lands as if they were happening where the poster was? The visual trick used was the transparent meme that hit it big on Flickr earlier, which might have inspired the posters. Later similar ideas appeared Kids company was badlanded for being similar to Amnesty, in execution at least.

Now Ogilvy Malaysia have done these cute posters for Lego where the background of the poster has been recreated in Lego, and an imaginative creature is added to the scene. A whale dives through the highway, a caterpillar grabs his colorful ball... Yep, they're taken the transparent poster idea one step further and I like it. Posting under 'homage' as I think they might have been inspired by previous transparent posters, but have added to it.

And before Alex or anyone else brings up my badland appearances (twice!) again, yes I did transparent posters. Mine were actually transparent though, and done years before any of this. ;) Transparent posters are the holy grail of ad-billboards now, aren't they? The impossible Ford Mustang Billboards and the mystery transparent Nike billboard are other examples.

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