One Show to Ban Scam-Ad Creators for Five Years (yes, because of that DDB WWF ad)


It's been several hours. Time for yet another update on the fallout from the Twin Tower WWF ad. Adage: In Wake of DDB Brazil Scandal, One Show to Ban Scam-Ad Creators for Five Years

Wait, what? Oh yes, they are and it reads like they took notes from the how to stop scam ads forever post at the DognPony.

The new rules and penalties were approved unanimously last night by the One Club's board of directors, who read like a who's who of ad-industry creatives, including David Droga, David Lubars, Nancy Vonk and Nick Law.
Effective beginning in 2010:

  • An agency or regional office of an agency network that enters an ad made for a nonexistent client, or made and run without a client's approval, will be banned from entering the One Show for five years.
  • The entire team credited on the "fake" entry will be banned from entering the One Show for five years.
  • An agency or regional office of an agency network that enters an ad that has run once, on late-night TV, or only because the agency produced a single ad and paid to run it itself will be banned from entering the One Show for three years.
  • That last point is rather significant, it not only means that once-runners can't enter but the way I'm reading it we can now forever kiss goodbye to the ads for good causes where all talent donate their time and media. Expect fewer Amnesty, Unicef, WWF, AIDS, Greenpeace, etc campaigns in the future One shows. Banning the entire team, wow, this is like getting caught doing steroids at the olympics.

    The One Show is a non-profit and may now have quite a leg up on the other awards, unless they follow suit of course. It may seem that they're doing this solely to save face after having had their award name dragged in the mud this past week - but I know there are a lot of people out there saying "about time", and now spending money on entering the one show is a lot more attractive.

    I'm curious as to how they'll police this though. Does one have to send two tearsheets now to prove an ad ran more than once? Not a problem.

    (image is a Humo ad produced by DUVAL GUILLAUME, Brussels, in 2004 )

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    Holger Wilcks's picture

    Jeez, this one's even worse than the WWF ad - or is it? My head's spinning.

    Anyway, it's great the One Show is doing something about it. Now let's hope that other award shows will listen and learn.

    Dabitch's picture

    I think it's quite a bit more tasteless.

    Will the other awards be able to follow suit on this? One Show is non-profit and have upped the ante quite a bit with this move. It's not like they added some limp "spec work" category and hoped for the best....

    cavcopy's picture

    I'm with you on this one Dabitch. Yikes that's bad.

    Hope the folks at the One Club can make this stick.