The Onion weighs in on Danish tourism ads.

Congratulations Grey Copenhagen (and Goviral), the Karen26 (1,2,3,4,5) story is now immortal as The Onion has decided to mock Denmark, Lars von Trier, and Danish tourism ads in one fell swoop with a newscast complete with a declaration of Denmarks superiority in handball.

src="">1,2,3,4,5) story is now immortal as The Onion has decided to mock Denmark, Lars von Trier, and Danish tourism ads in one fell swoop with a newscast complete with a declaration of Denmarks superiority in handball.

src="">Karen26 (1,2,3,4,5) story is now immortal as The Onion has decided to mock Denmark, Lars von Trier, and Danish tourism ads in one fell swoop with a newscast complete with a declaration of Denmarks superiority in handball.

src="">1,2,3,4,5) story is now immortal as The Onion has decided to mock Denmark, Lars von Trier, and Danish tourism ads in one fell swoop with a newscast complete with a declaration of Denmarks superiority in handball.

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