Orange - Phone Break during the movies - 2011 UK

Orange loves customers so much that they now sponsor films to have telephone breaks so that people can call their cats at home when they're at the cinema.... Yes, that's a really dumb idea and even Orange thinks so, just humor them for a minute while they pretend people like this idea. It's as silly as you'd expect.

Orange Phone Break Credits

Project name: Orange Goldspots – Phone Break

Creative agency: Fallon

Client & their job title: Spencer McHugh, Director of Brand, Orange UK

Executive Creative Director: Santiago Lucero

Creatives: Sam Hibbard, Dan Watts, John Cherry

Group Account Director: Katrien DeBauw

Account Director: Emily Olson

Account Manager: Brad Firth

Agency Producer: Sasha Mantel

Production Company: Outsider
Director: James Rouse

Producer: Benji Howell

Director of Photography: Scott Henrikson

Editor: Art Jones
Post-production: MPC
Music (if composed/mixed): Sniffy Dog

Audio post-production: Ant @ Factory

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