Orangina - Miss O - After Work - (2012) :30 (France)

Miss O! isn't your regular career woman, no she's a hyena that leaves her doting husband waiting alone with dinner.

Agency : Fred & Farid Paris
Client : Orangina Schweppes France
Campaign title : Who's boss ?
Films titles : ‘Dump’ & ‘Night @Work’
Creative directors : Fred & Farid
Copywriters : Frederic Raillard, Farid Mokart
Art Direction : Frederic Raillard, Farid Mokart, Pauline de Montferrand
Advertiser's supervisors : Hugues Pietrini, Stanislas de Parcevaux, Florence Burtin
Agency's supervisors : Hélène Camus
Agency TV producer : Emmanuelle Grenier
Agency post-production : Katharina Nicol
Director : Joseph Kahn
Production : HSI
Producer : Kil Dellara
Post-production : Eight VFX Los Angeles

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