Oreo - "The Note" / short film by Alice Wu (2022) 2:30 (USA)

Award-winning filmmaker Alice Wu (The Half Of ItSaving Face) has a firm grip on delicate storytelling by the slow reveal. In the short film "The Note", we watch a young man practice a speech written on yellow paper in Mandarin and English, stumbling a bit on the words on occasion.

We realize what he's saying is nerve-wracking for him. His leg jitters under the table, and his mother's calming hand stops him. That's when we realize this "coming out speech" is not for her, as she helps him. It's for someone else. The fridge and old photos in the house reveal the young man is from an immigrant family, and the extended family is large. And they're coming to visit. The coming out speech is for them.


Excellent reveal, the mother has shown herself to be an ally in the long run of coming out, which isn't a one-time thing. The Note is the latest from Oreo, who has been collaborating with PFLAG National. This short film is the launching point for Oreo and Pflag's new #LifelongAlly campaign, which includes a $500,000 donation to the advocacy organization. 

Related, last year's lesbian couple coming home in "Proud Parent".

Client: Oreo

Senior Brand Manager: Olympia Portale

Ad Agency : 360i

Director: Alice Wu

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