Paramount+ - A Mountain of Entertainment - “Stallone Face” - (2023) :60 (USA)

Sylvester Stallone is the only one crazy enough to climb the “Stallone Face” side of the mountain. “Hey, how you doin’?” Stallone says to the mountain, and the mountain asks “How you doin’?” back.

Dora the Explorer, Captain Pike of “Star Trek,” Beavis, Butthead, Lieutenant Dangle of “Reno 911” and Stallone's three daughters Sophia, Sistine, and Scarlet watch when the inevitable happens.

A 30-second edit of this ad will air during the Superbowl.

Ad agency: Droga5

Prod Co.: O Positive

Director: David Shane

Executive Producer: Ralph Laucella, Marc Grill

Producer: Jason Reda

DP: Jeff Kim

Production Designer: Joe Cooney

Costume Designer: Cherish Cullison

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