Pepsi - "This is the Pepsi..." (2018) :60 (USA)

Pepsi have given up being the choice for a new generation and now just wants to be the choice of every generation by recycling every Pepsi moment and previous Super bowl ads into one. They even have Cindy Crawford in it again, with her son. Cindy was in the 1992 Super Bowl to show off the new can, then she repeated her seductive drinking in 2002 when her son made his first appearance. There was even a Beyonce version in 2003, securing Pepsi as "the soda beautiful women drink." As this commercial races through the eras showing your father's Pepsi and your grandfather's Pepsi, they even have a short cameo of Britney Spear's Pepsi Super ad in 2002, where she too danced through the eras. Peps may want to become drink of every generation simply because they can't use the word "new" when all of their ideas are old.

Ad agency: in-house agency, Creators League

Principal talent: Cindy Crawford

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