PETA's latest: Milk Gone Wild

PETA lets us know that their latest effort to convince people that milk doesn't do a body good is a spoof of all those girls gone wild videos.
This time with real udders. But not only that, PETA’s "Milk Gone Wild" 30-second TV ad has been rejected by ABC executives, who turned down the $2.2 million PETA was prepared to pay to run the spot during Super Bowl XL. ABC rejected the ad on the grounds that it "falls outside the boundaries of good taste". Because everything else about the superbowl is just oh-so classy and risque jokes have never ever been shown.
No chimps hitting on their owners dates, and no fire farts, to name but two. Rrright.

The ad was designed by Philadelphia-based Crazy Dave's House of Ads and directed by music-video impresario Patrick Daughters. The music was composed by Yeah Yeah Yeahs guitarist Nick Zinner, and the ad was produced by RSA Films.

You can see it at
 ....Or, watch it in the Adland's commercial archive here: Milk Gone Wild

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caffeinegoddess's picture

What??? A PETA ad banned? No way! ;)

AnonymousCoward's picture

I think PETA knew the ad would get rejected and planned on making hay out of it.

Dabitch's picture

If anyone here can name a PETA ad in recent years that has not been banned, I'll send you a t-shirt.

AnonymousCoward's picture

This ad should have been banned for two reasons, both blatantly obvious. I am sure PETA got more publicity this way anyway.

Unfortunately the mistreatment of animals continues, as do these disgusting ads. PETA seems to believe that their shock tactics (in both actions, and ads) is the only way to get their message across. I believe that what they really do is turn the public off to a very important issue.

johndoom's picture

Ok if THAT is the best they can do, I'm off to club a baby seal to death.

AnonymousCoward's picture

If PETA want to be taken seriously they probably should deal with real issues instead of talking bollocks about milk being bad for you.

Dabitch's picture

Is when The Trademark blog muses about all the potential trademark issues here, what with the AOL-style buddy icon and all. He wonders if "girls gone wild" is a mark famous and eligible for dilution protection. If I recall correctly there was a criminal case against the producer of the Girls Gone Wild video series, as the girls in his videos weren't aware of the series being made, and then becoming the stars of it when they flaunted their boobs during drunken mayhem in New Orleans. So he should be used to being in court. ;)