Photoshop contest makes a Coca Cola Logo on the moon, again.

Worth1000 has had yet another fun photoshopping game , called Corporate Takeover 5, where the idea was to find new places for corporate sponsorships logos. And boy did they!

Among the funny ideas is the McCow, The genetically modified 7up limes. AT&T buys the moon (brilliant!), and the old Coke logo on the moon idea.

That is if Starbucks doesn't beat them both to it.

One of the first gags the New York Post Post House pulled on their tabloid-like homepage was the ad-on-the-moon idea, which was recently done when CunningStunts PR stunt was to hoax the Sun newspaper into believing they had projected J-Lo's butt on the moon.

Back in 2004 we reported on Alexander Lavrynov's idea of putting billboards in space, Ads in space (revisited)

The cover of Franquin's 1959-60 comic book masterpiece "Z comme Zorglub" where Zorglub sends rockets to the moon to spell out "Coca-Cola". Nothing is new under the sun - or moon. ;)

Zorglub's minions spell everything backwards, including the Coca Cola logo on the moon!
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