Planters - Mr Peanut Tribute / Rebirth (2020) :30 (USA)

Mr. Peanut’s friends come together for his funeral, and now we have this baby Groot / baby Yoda thing going on. This ad caused a bit of musical chairs in the ad placements, as they decided to move this ad up due to Kobe Bryant's death, and ditch the original "Roadt trip" death commercial from the Superbowl altogether. Heinz swapped ad slots with this ad. Is this the year of the ad mascot? Seen so many in this superbowl, see the Procter and Gamble ad, for another example. 

Client: Planters


“Death” and “Rebirth”


Agency: VaynerMedia 


Production Co.: Radical Media 

Director: Dave Meyers


Editorial Company: Cut+Run

Editor: Jon Grover 


Note: “Death” aired prior to Sunday.

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