Priceline - Help / William Shatner - (2009) :30 (USA)

Regional Super Bowl commercial.

Erich Joiner of bicoastal Tool takes the baton on two quirky spots for via Butler Shine Stern & Partners. William Shatner is back as the priceline negotiator and here he acts as Cyrano to the husband who delivers a painfully (funny) poor Whilliam Shatner impersonation.


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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Hygge's picture

I don't think I can ever get enough of William taking a mock out of himself.
Gotta love it.

Dabitch's picture

You forgot to rate it. :) We're gonna make a top ten list and your vote counts Hygge.

Hygge's picture

Wow. That's the nicest thing I've heard in a long time! ;-)

Dabitch's picture

hahaha! Well it does - everyone, vote! I'm itching to make a top ten list and can tell by looking at the shortcut-link where they are arranged in highest score-order first, that Adland people are voting quite different from the rest of the world. (as always).

Neo's picture

I'm voting, I'm voting already!

dasefx's picture

Video not working? :(

Dabitch's picture

it's working. It's also Quicktime. Check that your browser isn't allergic.