Publicis Italy and Brazil take home gold, silver and bronze at Cannes Lions 2023

On the fourth day of the Cannes Lions Festival, Publicis Italy | LePub won 7 Lions (1 Gold, 2 Silver, and 4 Bronze), as their campaigns for Heineken® and Barilla claim top spots on the podium. The Barilla Passive Cooking project, created by LePub Italy, secures 2 Bronze Lions in the Brand Experience & Activation and Innovation categories. Meanwhile, the Heineken® campaigns achieve an impressive 5 Lion wins, including 1 Gold, 2 Silver, and 1 Bronze in the Brand Experience & Activation category. The winning campaigns include The Closer (by LePub Italy & LePub Netherlands), Heinekicks (by LePub Italy, BBH & LePub Singapore), and 0.0 Barriers (developed by LePub Brazil). The latter also earns 1 Bronze Lion in the Creative Commerce category.


1 Bronze in Brand Experience & Activation (Corporate Purpose & Social Responsibility)

1 Bronze in Innovation (Brand Strategy & Experience)

HEINEKEN® - HEINEKICKS (LePub Italy, BBH & LePub Singapore)

1 Bronze in Brand Experience & Activation (Launch/Relaunch)

HEINEKEN® - 0.0 BARRIERS (LePub Brazil) 1 Silver in Brand Experience & Activation (Food & Drink) 1 Bronze in Creative Commerce (Payment Solutions)

HEINEKEN® - THE CLOSER (LePub Italy & LePub Netherlands)

1 Gold in Brand Experience & Activation (Tech-led Brand Experience)

1 Silver in Brand Experience & Activation (Market Disruption)

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