Puma - Shoe Race (2003) - 0:30 (USA)

The Puma shoes race around the apartment, as if it was a nascar track.

Client: PUMA

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Dabitch's picture

ha! Bizarre!

caffeinegoddess's picture

That's freaky. lol

Robblink's picture

I guessing it's Gyro Advertising in Philly...but you know how fast accounts move around these days....

caffeinegoddess's picture

Is it just me or does this spot have a "Mentos" ad quality about it? It just seems so bizarre.
I'd like to see Puma do some concepts that relate back to their name. I know it seems sort of an obvious thing to do, but, I could see some very cool concepts coming out of "Puma". I'm not up on their past advertising, and maybe they have done this before already.