Punk icon Dr Martens is currently featuring a collaboration boot with "Queer" positive art prominently featuring full mastectomy scars.

Currently, there is a giveaway of a customized pair of Docs by Jess Voss Art. inspired by the queer community.

Fans of Doc Martens and Jess Voss may enter a competition in order to win these one-of-a-kind boots. Just like this Instagram post and follow the instructions

The other boot wears a baby blue illustration of someone with a "female" glyph necklace, long hair, and a non-surgical removed chest, but possibly hormone-induced. The back of the boots rejoices about "queer" joy.

Doc Martens has supported the LBTQ community and pride month for years and this is the latest example. A visit to their website shows how they partner with artists in this community including Voss and artist Loveis Wise whose pronouns are (they/them/he/him) and a slew of other designers and artists

The boots carry artwork, modern "Memphis" style, that depicts humans as some sort of naive art, purple, blue, or pink humanoids. With what appears to be hairy arms. It is unclear whether this is supposed to represent "top surgery" scars that someone who has decided to go through a full mastectomy wears. And I don't know if that is because of missing context or just the artistic style.

What i do know is that the conversation around transgender surgery for minors is not going anywhere in America, and that the debate is pretty heated. This initiative comes on the heels (pun intended) of Anheuser Busch laying off hundreds of people in the wake of its severely lagging sales which some attribute to their partnership with Bud Light lost its top spot to Modelo in the wake of this PR nightmare which saw them desperately trying to remain neutral in a culture war they knowingly waded into.

But it also comes amidst a growing intolerance of a growing number of detransitioners (mostly children at the time) who have since regretted their decision to have life-altering surgery for what they now views as being a passing phase. One such person is Chloe Cole who testified before congress this week.

The problem with "inclusive" campaigns is that they ironically but inevitably leave people out. Because as of now there is no detransitioner shoe form Doc Martens. My guess is there never will be.

And while Doc Martens will most likely not suffer the consequences of Bud Light, it really should be something to think about with a little more tact.

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