Real American Heroes - Captured!

Unless you're under a rock somewhere in the arctic circle and dead, you've probably caught the buzz about the American radio campaign for Bud Light. Well, after an excruciating bit of excavating and the trading of favors with friends who have ties to the mob, we've accumulated 15 of these kick-arse spots! So without further adieu, Bud Light presents... (more)

(I guess that was another adieu - sorry) Bud Light presents, 15 real American heroes in Quicktime 4 lovin' mp3 format, courtesy of Adland and yours truly. We're still looking for "Mr. Bumper Sticker Writer" and "Mr. Putt Putt Mini-Golf Course Designer," so if you find these two or any others that were missed, please let us know!

Mr. Garden Gnome Maker
  • Length: 1:02
Mr. Bowling Shoe Giver Outer
  • Length: 1:02
Mr. Supermarket Deli Meat Slicer
  • Length: 1:02
Mr. Driving Range Ball Picker Upper
  • Length: 1:01
Mr. Giant Foam Finger Maker
  • Length: 1:02
Mr. Foot Long Hot Dog Inventer
  • Length: 1:02
Mr. Pro Wrestling Wardrobe Designer
  • Length: 1:02
Mr. Male Football Cheerleader
  • Length: 1:03
Mr. Wrecking Ball Operator
  • Length: 1:02
Mr. Chinese Food Delivery Guy
  • Length: 1:02
Mr. Parking Lot Attendant Flashlight Waver
  • Length: 1:00
Mr. Pit Crew Water Bottle Squirter
  • Length: 1:02
Mr. Outside the Stadium Peanut Seller
  • Length: 1:04
Mr. Pickled Pigs Feet Eater
  • Length: 1:04
Mr. Underwear Inspector
  • Length: 1:02

This is a critical review, so let us know what you think. UPDATE: A number of you have been unable to locate the sequel to this collection, so... Click here to find the rest of the Real American Heroes radio spots.



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