These delicious looking posters illustrated by Brendan Monroe tip bar goers to Red Bull mixed drinks The Flaming Bull and Bull Breeze. Sadly, no Ladyboy - I would love to have seen that as artwork. The posters could be seen in hep bars in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Agency was Ogilvy Action, Beijing.
Advertising Agency: Ogilvy Action, Beijing
Executive Creative Director: Nils Andersson
Creative Director: Wilson Chow / Andrew Lok
Art Director: Bo Deng / Rain Yu / Nils Andersson
Copywriter: Matthew Curry / Keith Capella / Andrew Lok
Client Servicing: Arthur Yu
Illustrator: Brendan Monroe
The first one looks a bit like lasagna to me. I like the illustration style though.
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PermalinkAdmit it, you haven't had lunch yet and are jonesing for lasagna.
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PermalinkBit early here for lunch - although now that you mention would be a nice thing for lunch on such a cold day. :)
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PermalinkI'm just finishing my extended breakfast (actually, they gave us free soft pretzels** - I had 2! [bad 4 me!]), and am not truly hungry (at the moment), but it does look like lasagna to me.
"Remember, no matter where you go... There you are." (Buckaroo Banzai).
"Hey, barkeep, 2 Rock Over Hip-Hops and 1 Bach Over Vivaldi with ice."
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PermalinkYes, it's lasagna. Lovely posters though.
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PermalinkI love the look of these. Nothing like lasagna!
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PermalinkI wonder what Red Bull and Lasagna taste like together. Bleech.
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PermalinkThese are so pretty. Looks nothing like lasanga!
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