A retro Badlander - Colt 1967 vs Tuborg and their beer goggles 1994

Here's an amusing little find, as I was scrolling through the old ads that I post, I found this Colt 45 beer ad, and immediately thought of the Tuborg - "Hallucination" / Beer Goggles commercial from 1994. It is often called a "banned ad" or even a fake ad, but no, that was a real Danish ad that elicited lots of laughter in the cinema when it aired.

Colt 45 print ad from 1967

The concept is similar, but not the same.


In the 1967 Colt beer ad the stuffy bookworm girl with combed-back hair and glasses blooms into a glasses-free funtime gal with the latest flippy hairdo in a few images. 


In the Tuborg ad, however, it's the man who drinks the beer who hallucinates that the boring glasses-clad girl turns into a sexy vixen through his beer goggling sips.


Either way, we learn that beer will make you do and hallucinate all sorts of things - you either become sexy or hallucinate that someone else is sexy.  Yay beer! 

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