Ron Jeremy warns that "too much sex can be a bad thing"

Whats new pussycat? Ron Jeremy lends his likeness to PETA and appears in a PetaTV ad where he frolics in his natural environment (nude, in a bed) and the tagline informs us cheekily that : "Too much sex can be a bad thing. Help end overpopulation - spay and neuter your dogs and cats." There's a 'racy' newspaper ad to go with the commercial, read more to see it in full.

The PETA website says that these ads will appear in conjunction with Spay Day USA;

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JJ455667's picture

Its a tragedy when networks like CBS acknowledge scumbags like Ron Jeremy as legitimate celebs. He's an ugly ass disease spreader. Including mental disease. There is something hypocritical about a piece of shit like him promoting getting animals fixed. I think his ass needed to be fixed a long time ago. As well as all the nasty whores he's been with. These are dark rotten times. A world full of perverts who are becoming self absorbed. Ron Jeremy. You an one ugly bag of shit.