Samuel Adams - Clydesdales - (2021) :30 (USA)

We can't have a super bowl without a Clydesdale somewhere, right? Budweiser has pulled out of the bowl, so they won't be showing any ads with these majestic horses. Leave it up to our annoying prankster cousin from Boston to bring us the goods in this regional ad for Samuel Adams. We've seen this character gatecrash weddings and do mischievous things in a campaign that launched last May. It's a funny character, and somehow he is so very Boston stereotype, without it falling flat. I can only assume that the "Wicked Hazy" has to be ordered with a really strong Boston accent, and will send you on a wicked pissah.

This ad will only air regionally in massachusetts during the super bowl. 

Client: The Boston Beer Company
Brand: Samuel Adams
Spot Name: Your Cousin Lets the Clydesdales Go :30
Air Date: 2/7/2021

Co-Founder and Chairman: Jim Koch
Chief Marketing Officer: Lesya Lysyj
President and CEO: Dave Burwick
Director of Marketing: Matt Withington
Brand Storyteller: Dave Wells

Pricipal talent actors: Greg Hoyt and Owen Burke

Agency: Goodby Silverstein & Partners
Chief Creative Officer: Margaret Johnson
Associate Creative Director: AJ Warren
Associate Creative Director: Brett Beaty
Associate Creative Director: Joshua Hacohen

Account Director: Rachel Stermer
Account Manager: Kate Colantuono
Assistant Account Manager: Nolan Solis

Head of Broadcast Production: Leila Gage
Executive Broadcast Producer: Matt Flaker
Executive Producer: Stephanie DeNatale
Producer: Nick Goldsmith

Production Company: Arts & Sciences
Production Company City: Los Angeles, CA
Director: Matt Aselton
DP: Toby Irwin
Managing Partner / Executive Producer: Marc Marrie
Managing Director / Partner: Mal Ward
Head of Production: Christa Skotland
Executive Producer: Zoe Odlum

Editorial: Arcade Edit
Editing Company City: Santa Monica, CA
Editor: Geoff Hounsell
Assistant Editor: Ryan Andrus
Senior Producer: Kirsten Thon-Webb
Executive Producer: Crissy DeSimone

Audio and Sound Design: LIME Studios
Sound Design Company: LIME Studios
Sound Designers: Michael Anastasi
Audio Engineer: Sam Casas
Executive Producer: Susie Boyajan
Producer: Kayla Mashburn
Music company name: Butter Music
Music Executive Producer: Annick Mayer
Music Producer: Stone Irr

VFX Company : Framestore NY
VFX Lead: Matt Pascuzzi
Senior Producer: Maura Hurley
Producer Coordinator: Nathaniel Cabra 
Executive Producer: Dez Macleod-Veilleux
Compositing Team: Avery Herzog, Elaina Brillantes, Euna Kho, Greg Gaskins, Kane Herd, Zavier Mojica, Ryan Ninko, Raul Ortego

Color: Company3
Color Artist: Tom Poole
Producer: Alexandra Lubrano

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

Didn't Hyundai do a Boston joke last year, too?

Dabitch's picture

Yes, it was the best advert last year in more reviews, very popular. Hyundai Sonata - Smaht Pahk - (2020) :90 (USA), I thought it was fun too. The celebrities from Bosten added to it.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

So Sam Adams Unleashes Budweiser’s Clydesdales, and now I'm annoyed we spent a week hearing how Bud wasn't advertising only to have AB have the most ads