Scorpion Helmets - "Sweat" - 2009 :45 (USA)

This is a spec commercial created for my director's reel and was eventually used by the client Scorpion.
Roger Feldman from Marshall Advertising wrote the spot as a beach setting that I eventually adapted to a '50s gas station scene.
Shot on 35mm outside Los Angeles.

Alex Ardenti

Title: "Sweat"
Client: Scorpion Helmets
Agency: Marshall Advertising
Copywriter/Creative Director: Roger Feldman
Sr. Art Director: Mike Voornas
Production Company: Ardenti Films, Alex Ardenti Director/Producer
DP: Daron Keet
Post Production: Shane Reid colorist, Riot Santa Monica
Editorial: David Checel, Cut + Run
Sound: Dave Wagg, Lime Sound
Voice Over: Phil Buckman
Principal actors: Timea Majorova, Matt Schaeffer

Media Type: Television Commercial
Genre: Comedy
Delivery Type: Television, Internet
Content Type: Motorcycle helmets
Location: Los Angeles
Duration: 45 sec

Alex Ardenti

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When was it shot? (the "1991" in the file name is confusing me - it doesn't look early nineties in the least.)