Skoda - Yeti / Wild one - (2009) :30 (Czech Republic)

There's a bit of a Yeti-trend going on in advertising at the moment, isn't there? Just last week there was the LandSAR Yeti from New Zealand. We just love Yetis. They're better than dogs. Or Babies.

Client: Skoda Auto A.S.
Agency: Leagas Delaney Prague
Production Company: Anonymous@Tempomedia

CD: Hermann Waterkamp
Producer: Patrick Plogstedt

Prod Company: Anonymous@Tempomedia
Director: John Dolan
DP: Greig Fraser
EP: Alexander Schildt (Tempomedia)
EP/Head of Commercials: Dave Morrison (Anonymous)
Head of Production: Sue Ellen Clair
Producer: Nicolas Mirbach

Editorial: NHB Video GmbH
Editor: Alexander Jurkat
Producer: Florian Arlart

Telecine: NHB Video GmbH
Colorist: Biggi Klier

Post/Effects: NHB Video GmbH
Senior Flame Artist: Thorsten Rutz

Sound Design: NHB Video GmbH
Sound Designer: Wenke Kleine-Benne

Shoot Location: Vancouver, Canada

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