Sound Transit - “Malfunction” / “Sorry” / “Small Talk” (2019) :30 (USA)

Seattle-based creative agency Copacino+Fujikado’s first work for Sound Transit, the public transit agency that services the metropolitan Seattle area, wants us to know that the future is here. Just not that Jetsons or Sci-fi future we thought might be here, and that's a good thing because how trustworthy is that particle-transporter, really? In the funniest ad of the three, thanks in a great deal to the casting, a man who has queued up for the transporter realizes walking might be a better idea.

Thanks to cartoons like Jetsons, movies like Back to the Future, or even WALL-E, you know Hollywood’s vision for the future of transportation is out of this world. From jetpacks to teleportation and everything in between, these transportation methods may seem cool in theory, but how realistic are they for the everyday commuter? And what happens if there's a jetpack traffic jam? Or jetpack small talk? 

Sound Transit:

Marketing Director: Tim Healy

Marketing Supervisor: Kathryn Van Sanden



Managing Director: Scott Foreman

Chief Creative Officer:    Mike Hayward  

Group Creative Director: Vince Soliven

Group Creative Director: Andrew Gall                    



Associate Creative Director: Andy Westbrock                                                     

Sr. Copywriter:  Caroline Henry                                                                                                 

Production Artist: Todd Hofmeister

Producer: Kelly Green

Video Editor: Brian Alter           

Media Director: Tonya Murphy

Media Specialist: Aidan Wade

Project Manager: Yohannes Efrem                          



Account Coordinator: Faye Kim 

Sr. Account Director: John Line  

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