SPIES: "Solar Charging Dummies" (2013) 3:00 (Denmark)

Danish Agency Robert/Boisen & Like-Minded came up with a fun idea for SPIES travels.

In order to prove that a winter holiday in the sun instead of a holiday staying in dark old Denmark would make you more productive, they built solar charging dummies. They kept them outside in similar situations, only one stayed home while the other traveled to a sunny warm locale. Then they brought them back and measured their charge with predictable but fun results.

Robert/Boisen & Like-minded (Ad agency):
Michael Robert, Creative Director
Søren Christensen, Strategist
Heinrich Vejlgaard, Art Director
Anders Kure, Art Director
James Godfrey, Copywriter
Mathias Birkvad, Digital Director
Mette Ingemann Dahl, Account Manager

Gobsmack (Film production):
Laurits Munch-Petersen, Director
Jan Pallesen, DOP
Emilie Brandt, Producer
Christina Erritzøe, Producer
Main cast: Søren & Ulrik

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Bah, the sun is overrated. :P