Street Grace Stop Traffick 72 bus billboard (USA) Case Study 2019

The case study for the stunt pulled off in Atlanta: 72 school buses make a mile-long billboard - stopping traffic to stop trafficking

A kick-ass idea for a great cause. Visualizing the absurd number of kids trafficked every year in Georgia by creating a mile-long billboard out of school buses. Brilliant. 

Title Stop Traffick
Product/Service: Fighting DMST (Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking)
Client: Street Grace
Ad Agency: BBDO Atlanta
Chief Creative Officer: David Lubars, BBDO Worldwide, and Robin Fitzgerald, BBDO Atlanta
Art Director: Lauren Culbertson, Senior Art Director, and Sara Lowe, Art Director, Designer, BBDO Atlanta
Copywriter: Emily Miller, Senior Copywriter, BBDO Atlanta
Account Executive: Shannon Collins, BBDO Atlanta
Account Manager: Tami Oliva, Senior Director, and Lauren Herstik, Account Supervisor, BBDO Atlanta
Production Company: Bark Bark, Atlanta
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