Studiocom & Dunkin' Donuts Ask Fans to Change Profile Pic For Daily Giveaway to Facebook Fans

Brands are always talking about how they can leverage the power of social networks, like Facebook. Studiocom recently has created an opportunity for Dunkin' Donuts to explore a new way to engage fans.

Dunkin' Donuts and Studiocom, its digital agency of record since 2007, launched a new experience for Facebook fans on their Fan Page ( In conjunction with the nationwide $1.99 Coolatta(R) offer and the reintroduction of Vanilla Bean Coolatta(R), Studiocom crafted the unique daily giveaway where fans "Grab It, Snap It, Post It, Win It".

Always looking for new opportunities to provide Dunkin' Donuts with better ways to engage with their customers through social media, Studiocom came up with the "Keep It Coolatta" sweepstakes in order to create excitement around the product, generate awareness and reward fans for participating.

"We are always looking for ways to engage our loyal users and this promotion provides one more great way for our fans to have fun with and advocate for the Dunkin' Donuts brand. With promotions like "Keep It Coolatta" and our recent "Create Dunkin's Next Donut" competition, we are able to achieve engagement on a very large scale because of our large and very passionate fan base," said Cynthia Ashworth, VP of Consumer Engagement at Dunkin' Donuts.

John Gonnella, Studiocom's Creative Director added, "Our goal is to continually create simple, authentic connections between the loyal community on Facebook and the Dunkin' Donuts brand. The Coolatta promotion gives DD fans a creative way to capture themselves with a Coolatta and then share the images to win great prizes and be a part of the brand. In the end, it all comes down to Dunkin' Donuts' passionate fans and rewarding them for their loyalty."

Studiocom has helped Dunkin' Donuts take a leadership role in the world of social media and explore solutions for it to best work for the brand. Dunkin' Donuts foray into the world of social began with a campaign on YouTube and has followed with an active presence on Facebook and Twitter (@dunkindonuts) and the recent, successful "Create Dunkin's Next Donut" contest.

"Coolatta is another fun and creative example of how Dunkin' Donuts takes traditional CRM philosophies and translates them to emerging channels, like Facebook," said Steve Ustaris, Media Director at Studiocom. "Together, we've created social media programs that manage the different levels of the customer relationship. Dunkin' Donuts interacts with them, rewards them and, as in the Coolatta program, enables them to advocate on behalf of the brand, if they choose."

The "Keep It Coolatta" giveaway runs through June 24th. To be eligible for daily prizes, fans are asked to take a photo of themselves posing with a Coolatta beverage, make it their profile picture, post it to the wall of the Dunkin' Donuts Fan Page and add the caption "#CoolattaGiveaway". Prizes include items to make people's summer a little cooler, including air conditioners, iPhone, JetBlue tickets, flatscreen TV, KangaROOS(R) and more.

In addition to the daily winner, a fan of the day will be selected to be the face of "Keep It Coolatta" and will be featured as the Dunkin' Donuts Facebook profile image. Studiocom partnered with Dunkin Donuts promotions agency, Ryan Partnership, for the intricacies of the giveaway.

About Studiocom
A full-service digital agency with US offices in Boston, Atlanta, Los Angeles and Bogota, Colombia, Studiocom is part of the WPP network. The Studiocom client list includes Dunkin' Donuts, Baskin-Robbins, KangaROOS(R), Coca-Cola, McCormick, Olive Garden and Activision. Since 1998, Studiocom has played a key role in the online branding of the world's most recognizable companies and has won some awards along the way. For more information, visit

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