Sunkist - Feel It (2005) 0:30 (USA)

Dancing and DJ's at a roofparty + sun!


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AnonymousCoward's picture

Alright! Been asking about this one... can anybody tell me what music they're playing in this? It's been stuck in my head like that spanish rap from the AXE commercial...

anothercopywriter's picture

How is this any different from what Coke is doing now? Or McDonalds? Yeesh.

blad's picture

what is the buzz tell me wat's a happening? Dated post effects and commercial land kids having such a greeeaaat time. Yawn

AnonymousCoward's picture

i think it's a song by Blackalicious. The same DJ and song from the commercial showed up in the third season of the tv show One Tree Hill, i think it's episode 18.

BitchInTraining's picture