Super Bowl advertisements critiqued by eight-year old.

Listen up, ad pros. Arturo the eight year old super bowl adcritic has a few choice words for you. Mainly "stupid" and "fools stupid".

He thought the Lexus ad was "funny stupid", the E*trade talking babies are "not even funny or anything like that. People may think so but I don't." You tell'em kiddo! The Dannon spot was met with giant eyes and a "what in the world...?" which is honestly the only reaction one can have to an ad that shite.

He also thinks there should be more monkeys in advertising. I think the person behind the camera who works at crowelladvertising should teach this kid that chimps are apes, not monkeys.

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Silasi's picture

Though the boy is right, someone ought to take the time and teach the poor kid how to use his tongue while speaking. He'd sound so much more bright and clever.

AnonymousCoward's picture


AnonymousCoward's picture


AnonymousCoward's picture

yes, thank you for sharing!!