SuperValu Ireland - Is he coming? (2020) :60 (Ireland)

The young boy in the house, Colin, is extremely preoccupied with preparations for Christmas.

.“Mum, is he still coming this year?" the boy asks his mother, to which she replies: “Of course he is”. 

He asks, again and again, because as well know this year is quite different. “Did you get the one he likes?” he interrogates his mom as she returns from the supermarket, in the next scene he's rushing to the kitchen declaring that mum has bought “his favourites”.

He makes signs "please stop here" and he can barely fall asleep at night, that's when we hear a door close downstairs and the young boy rushes to see grandad.  Super Value Ireland have sent a ninja to chop onions at my house, because this dang ad got me. It probably hits extra hard because at this time, we don't quite know if people can and will be able to travel in Ireland to see their loved ones. We may have all wanted more humor in ads after this drab year, but good food and family is what Christmas is about, so I expect nothing less than seeing a tearjerker ad from a supermarket. 

Client: SuperValu Ireland

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