Surreal cereal teases the UK with fake sports celebrity endorsement poster campaign

With headlines like "We're Dwayne Johnson's favourite cereal" and "Serena Williams eats our cereal" cereal brand Surreal lure the reading in to the punchline: "she's a student from London and we paid her to eat it but the point still stands."

Surreal, the high protein low carb cereal says "We didn’t check that with legal, but we’re sure it’s fine." as they roll out this poster campaign across the UK today. Using names of famous athletes, like Michael Jordan, Dwayne Johnson, Serena Williams and Ronaldo they're latching on to the health-conscious and sporty target market with a wink, as none of the names are the actual sports celebrities one immediately thinks of. This concept of fake testimonials has been done before, Frontier Airlines comes to mind, but it's still funny.

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argantil's picture

"Dwayne is a bus driver from London"

Heh, it's pretty cute.