Take Notes Store "A life story, a love story" (2017) 3:49 (Canada)

Ah a relationship story told in handwritten notes, just in time for Valentine's Day. We begin with the morning after next to an ashtray filled with cigarettes and move on to cohabitation, meeting parents, getting a larger place, getting married, and getting pregnant-- okay this one I'm pretty certain you'd wait till the person came home to tell them rather than show them what I affectionately refer to as "the pee stick," but whatever. The female hands then go into passive aggressive mode, writing grocery lists and throwing the pen down while the male hands are disinterested and leaving notes about not having time to walk the dog, working too much, being out of town, then not even coming home, then needing to talk. It's interesting how at this point both of them are starting to add their names to the letters, becoming more formal. Then just as you think they're going to make a split from each other, Mr Workaholic (and probably alcoholic, I mean come on go with it) decides to change and go see counselors and do a date night. Next thing you know they've been married 30 years together. Nice moment when someone now needs glasses to read the notes. Ah and the circle of life continues with their daughter now about to have a baby. Retirement. The doctor called and now it's prescription time. Ugh, and then you see the last note from the husband written to his wife, after she's passed. "There's Love In Notes" hits it home hard. Damn what a tear-jerker of a spot. I will say like all spots of this length it it could have been edited a bit. But it was shot nicely and the little props each time helped to tell a great story. But wow, I wish someone would have told them about mobile phones.

gency: BBDO Toronto
V.P. / Associate Creative Director: Chris Booth
V.P. / Associate Creative Director: Joel Pylypiw
SVP, Executive Creative Director: Denise Rossetto
SVP, Executive Creative Director: Todd Mackie
V.P Group Account Director: Rebecca Flaman
Agency Producer: Beatrice Bodogh

Production Company: Skin & Bones
Dirctors: Chris Booth / Joel Pylypiw
Producer: Chelsea Strachan
Director of Photography: Kris Belchevski

Editorial: Saints
Transfer & Online: Alter Ego
Online Editor: David Whiteson
Off Line Editor: Brian Williams
Colorist: Tricia Hagoriles

Music & Sound Design: Fraser MacDougall & Tim White, Imprint Music

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Yes, I admit, I cried. This spot sold kleenex to me. Hehe. Very nicely told. It might have been long but the music worked hard in keeping the rythm and flow right. I liked that.