Tanqueray Gin - Ready to Tanqueray? - Tony Sinclair - No Coincidence (2005) 0:30

Agency: Grey Worldwide

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Dabitch's picture

Am I the only one to think this guy reminds a little of Old Mr Jenkins and Brock Savage?

AnonymousCoward's picture

I really like the idea of creating Mr Sinclair...accent is a bit strange...not the purest Brit accent I've heard, but still, I can let that slip! Is it a bit too camp though? Or is it just Bertie Wooster style gin infused fun?

Diageo have accepted a similar strategy from BBH London on the new Smirnoff Ice ads in the UK. I like the potential for good engaging story telling. I think I prefer the Smirnoff Ice stories though...

claymore's picture

To me, Austin Powers with a touch of BEP flava = Tony Sinclair