TEVA - Alrin - Cafe - (2013) :30 (Israel)

Launcing a nasal spray as the Alrinian threat as a free ride on the hot topic of the day, the Iranian threat. At least now everyone remembers what that nasal spray is called.

Credits for TEVA- Alrin – Café + Taxi

Ad agency: ACW Grey Tel Aviv

Executive Creative Director: Tal Riven

Creative Director: Idan Regev

Copywriter: Kobi Cohen

Art Director: Karin Gross

Client Manager: Anat Leventon

Supervisor: Hila Amrani

Account Manager: Shay Sharbaf

Planning Manager: Nir Duer

Planning: Sagi Iskovich

Production Manager: Meital Tzoref

Producer: Nurit Rimon

Illustration: Gal Shkedi

Animation Directors: Gal Shkedi & Itamar Barak

Production company and post house: Snowball

Post Production Producer: Michal Forti

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